Monte Carlo inference of Gaussian networks
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C. Best, J. Apostolakis, R. Zimmer:
A Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm for Inferring
Gaussian Graphical Models of Genetic Networks,
preprint, January 2007.
A Monte Carlo approach to Gaussian Graphical Models for Gene Networks
presentation, Los Alamos National Laboratory,
March 21, 2005.
A Monte Carlo approach to Gaussian Graphical Models for Gene Networks
presentation, BCB-Seminar, MPI for Molecular Genetics, Berlin,
December 1, 2004.
C. Best, R. Zimmer, J. Apostolakis
Self-organized soft clustering, feature
selection, and network inference using Gaussian processes
poster presentation, workshop "Complex Stochastic Systems in Biology
and Medicine", Dept. of Statistics, LMU Munich, October 7-8, 2004.
C. Best:
Gaussian Graphical Models as Statistical Systems
for Gene Expression Networks
presentation, ECCB/ISMB 2004 - SIG Bioinformatics and Statistical Physics,
July 30, 2004.
Function prediction using Markov random fields
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C. Best, R. Zimmer, J. Apostolakis:
Probabilistic methods for predicting protein functions
in protein-protein interaction networks
in: German Conference on Bioinformatics 2004 (to be published),
October 4-6, 2004..
[Presentation - PDF]
arxiv.org: q-bio.MN/0503018
We discuss probabilistic methods for predicting protein functions
from protein-protein interaction networks. Previous work based on
Markov Randon Fields is extended and compared to a general
machine-learning theoretic approach. Using actual protein
interaction networks for yeast from the MIPS database and GO-SLIM
function assignments, we compare the predictions of the different
probabilistic methods and of a standard support vector machine. It
turns out that, with the currently available networks, the simple
methods based on counting frequencies perform as well as the more
sophisticated approaches.
C. Best:
Assessing probabilistic methods for predicting protein functions
from biological networks
Presentation, PROBIO project meeting, February 12, 2004.
Soft clustering and multidimensional scaling
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C. Best, R. Zimmer, J. Apostolakis:
Self-organized soft clustering, feature selection, and
network inference using Gaussian processes
poster presentation, ISMB 2004: Intelligent Systems in Molecular Biology, Glasgow, Scotland, July 31 - August 4, 2004.
C. Best, H.-C. Hege:
Visualizing and Identifying Conformational Ensembles
in Molecular Dynamics Trajectories
Computers in Science and Engineering 4 (3), 68 (2002).
Simulating the dynamics of complex biomolecules produces
trajectories comprising a large number of different configurations
of the molecule. These configurations must be classified into a
small number of conformational ensembles representing essential
changes in the shape of the molecule. Using a conformational
distance measure based on the changes in intramolecular atom
distances, we show that these trajectories can be visualized
efficiently by a planar map such that different conformational
ensembles appear as well-separated point sets. We then use
statistical cluster analysis to identify clusters that represent
different conformational ensembles.