Gaussian network inference from gene expression data tigertiger Logo tigertiger Logo    
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Networks are a general way to describe data by trying to reduce the relationships between the data objects to a sparse network. One of the most general ways to do this is using Gaussian processes to describe a correlational network. Links between two objects in a correlational network indicate that the two objects behave similarly. However, indirect relationships are taken into account, so links between objects whose similarity can be explained by their simultaneous similarity to a third objects are not shown.

Such networks are similar to the popular Bayesian networks, but they impose less constraints and require more computational effort to derive. We have devised a Monte Carlo approach based on the statistical mechanics of sparse Gaussian matrices to investigate how ensembles of such Gaussian networks can be calculated to fit a set of observations.

Presentations and publications
  • C. Best, J. Apostolakis, R. Zimmer:
    A Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm for Inferring Gaussian Graphical Models of Genetic Networks, preprint, January 2007.

  • C.Best
    A Monte Carlo approach to Gaussian Graphical Models for Gene Networks
    presentation, Los Alamos National Laboratory, March 21, 2005.

  • C.Best
    A Monte Carlo approach to Gaussian Graphical Models for Gene Networks
    presentation, BCB-Seminar, MPI for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, December 1, 2004.

  • C. Best:
    Gaussian Graphical Models as Statistical Systems for Gene Expression Networks
    presentation, ECCB/ISMB 2004 - SIG Bioinformatics and Statistical Physics, July 30, 2004.


2009-06-14 21:10 CEST     xris