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Dr. phil. nat. Christoph Best, Dipl.-Phys.
Senior Software Engineer

Google UK Ltd
Belgrave House
76 Buckingham Palace Road
London SW1W 9TQ, United Kingdom
WWW: http://www.tigertiger.de/cb


  • Research & Development Data analysis and simulation problems in bioinformatics/computational biology, biophysics and related fields.
    Special interests in:
    • Data mining, machine learning, networks, Monte Carlo simulations,
    • Bioimaging, denoising, 3D reconstruction, high-throughput microscopy.
    • Systems biology, gene regulation, proteomics/metabolomics,
  • Information Technology
    High-performance and grid computing, advanced computing environments, cluster computers, software development.
  • Information Technology
    High-performance and grid computing, advanced computing environments, cluster computers, software development.

  • Research management, technology assessment and consulting.


  • Computational science:
    • Bioinformatics/computational biology. Applications from biochemistry/molecular biology, electron and optical microscopy.
    • Machine learning, pattern recognition, data mining, Monte Carlo methods.
    • Algorithm development, simulation and analysis of large systems. Statistics.
    • Computational physics, multiscale methods, differential equations.
    • Computer graphics and visualization.
  • Information Technology
    • C++/C, Java, FORTRAN, Perl/Python, Matlab/Mathematica/Maple/R, COBOL, LISP. UNIX/Linux, MS Windows, DEC VMS, IBM MVS / z/OS.
    • Application and systems programming, kernel-level development.
    • Distributed systems (CORBA, Mozilla/XPCOM, web services, XML).
    • Web-based applications, e-commerce. Relational databases.
    • Computer security and cryptography.
  • Large-scale computer applications
    • Supercomputing (SGI Origin, Cray T3E, IBM SP/2),
    • Cluster computers (Alpha, Intel). Grid computing.
    • Optimization, parallelization, network architectures.
  • Other skills
    • Management of research groups, advising students, university-level teaching.
    • Business experience in startup.
    • Fluent in German and English, basics of French and Italian.


1998 Dr. phil. nat. (Ph. D.) in Physics, J. W. Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany.
1992 Dipl.-Phys. (M. Sc.) in Physics, J. W. Goethe University.
1989 Vordiplom (B. Sc.) in Physics, J. W. Goethe University.


2010- Senior Software Engineer, Google UK, Ltd., London, UK.
2008-2010 Project Leader, Electron Microscopy, Protein Data Bank in Europe, European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Project: Image informatics for electron microscopy
2005-2008 Research scientist, Image Informatucs, Dept. of Molecular Structural Biology, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany.
Project: Image processing for 3D cryo-electron microscopy
2003-2004 Research scientist, Bioinformatics group, Institute for Informatics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany.
Project: Data mining and simulation tools for computational systems biology.
2001-2002 Postdoctoral fellow, Center for Theoretical Physics, M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass. Project: Statistical mechanics of topological objects in computational field theories.
1999-2001 Postdoctoral researcher, John von Neumann Institute for Computing, Jülich, Germany. Project: Cluster computers and multiscale methods for computational field theories.
1998 Staff scientist, Konrad Zuse Center for Scientific Computing, Berlin, Germany. Project: Visualization environment for conformational changes in large biomolecules.
1994-1997 Doctoral scholarship from German National Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes).
1992-1997 Research assistant, Institute for Theoretical Physics, J. W. Goethe University, Frankfurt.
Project: High-performance numerical methods for computational field theories.


2002- founded COMPUTATIONAL science&consulting to develop consulting activities for computational problems in engineering and biotechnology.
1999- designed and implemented two complete e-commerce site using PHP3/4, Perl, MySQL.
Partner, bit-exchange GmbH, Frankfurt am Main.
1999-2000 planned, implemented and managed a high-performance cluster computer based on Compaq Alpha processors.
1998 designed and implemented molecular dynamics visualization tools for the visualization software Amira (amira.zib.de) using C++, OpenGL, and OpenInventor.
1993 co-authored and produced a physics reference book.
1992-1997 managed a large workstation cluster.

2010-12-31 22:44 CET     xris